No matter if you're window shopping or already have plans of when you're going to use it, purchasing an ATV is a big decision. Not only is your safety on the line but your wallet as well. That is why it is understandable for consumers to have a couple of questions and concerns regarding the purchase. Conducting your due diligence is an important step with any big purchase. Thus the following includes some of the most common and important questions you should have answers to before pulling the trigger and purchasing an ATV. It may seem like caution could be ruining the fun of buying an ATV, but it’s not. It’s merely ensuring that you make the right decision and have that fun safely!
1: Do I have enough knowledge about ATVs?
A: Emotions are one of the biggest threats to consumers. Thinking about how you're going to feel when you're riding your ATV can often disrupt common sense thinking. One of the areas that tend to be neglected first is simply taking the time to learn the basics of the product. These are questions within questions that may get a little tedious to answer, but they are nevertheless important. For example, knowing the various models of ATVs on the market may help you pay less, or if safety is a concern knowing which models have a higher safety rating would be good to know.
2: Can I buy and stay within my budget?
A: Normally, if a person is asked what they are looking for in an ATV, most people are going to talk about the design and functionality of it. What you're hardly going to hear is the budget they have. Having a budget provides you with a clearer course for your final decision. It allows you to concentrate on ATVs that you can realistically purchase and thus allows you to get a hold of your vehicle at a faster rate and without a burnt hole in your wallet.
3: Am I covered if an accident occurs?
A: The reality is that ATVs can be dangerous vehicles to handle. A simple video search on YouTube will provide you with enough ATV accident videos to last you a week. That is why it is imperative that you understand your current coverage in terms of healthcare. In some healthcare plans, recreational vehicles may not be compensated, thus potentially placing you at risk of going into debt attempting to pay medical bills. Other questions you should ask your insurance provider is in regards to passengers. What, if any, does the passenger get compensated for? Knowing the answers to those questions before purchasing an ATV is critical, to say the least.
4: Do I have the driving skills to own an ATV?
A: It is during these large purchases that one must put their ego aside and ask, are they responsible enough? Owning an ATV isn't just about cleaning it after a day out with the family; it's about understanding the maintenance requirements, making the payments, and demonstrating to friends/family how to use it properly. It is also knowing how to say no when dangerous situations arise, and using the ATV is not advised. If you can confidently say that you are going to be responsible, then purchasing an ATV should be a no brainer.
5: Should you buy new or used?
A: After you've made your decisions that you are, in fact, going to purchase an ATV, the next question should be if you're going to buy new or used. Obviously, buying a used model can bring down the price tag dramatically; however, you are not aware of what that ATV has gone through. Buying new may give you that peace of mind, but it will come at a price. Weighing these two options is an important step and one that should be done carefully.
As you can see from the information above, there are a plethora of questions that you should answer before making your final decision on an ATV purchase. If anything, it is important to consult with professionals in order to get a better understanding of your purchase.