Real estate titling refers to the legal ownership as well as the right to own property. Titling is most often aligned to real estate as opposed to anything because of the substantial purchase and the complicated agreements that are involved. Also, it's important to follow all the procedure involved in getting a title because a defective one can have an enormous impact on the exercise of rights over the property as well as issues in establishing ownership.
On the other hand, the land registry is a unit responsible for the management of title registration as well as the registration of land tenure. Some of the vital registration services include deeds, land mutations, title searches, and transfer of lands.
If you are looking to make a concise judgment when it comes to real estate, then it's important that you secure a marketable yet good title. A good title will mean that the land owner has complete ownership of the land according to the legal binding documents. Once you have the title, it means that you have a hundred percent legal as well as beneficial interest to the land during your life time.
Here are some of the key reasons why real-estate titling and land registry is necessary:
Once the property owner has passed on, the property goes to the beneficiaries of the owner. There are also cases where the owner drafted a marketable title. This will mean that the insurer is in a position to write a policy to anyone who's going to buy the land.
The commercial policy is also important since it acts as a guarantee to the buyer that the land is free from irregularities, clouds, blemish or defects and this makes it easier to draft a policy for whoever is going to buy.
Before you can settle on buying a piece of land, it's important to consider whether there is standard blemish and this can be cross referred with the real estate title at any land registry. This is a typical scenario in cases where you are purchasing the property from a seller whose family has held the parcel of land for several generations. Blemishes can be common in such situations since the family members might not be ready to accept commercial refinance or third party sale.
The land registry has a record of the land within a particular location, and this means that through the land registry, property buyers can have a deeper understanding of the legal state of the land and this is important since it sets out the covenants and rights which can burden or benefit the title of any property.
Given that the land registry has all the information regarding ownership of land, it makes it easier for them to handle cases that are related to adverse possession of the land, especially by unauthorized persons. This is made possible through the deferring requirement in relation to a registered land compared to the unregistered one.